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Our Projects

Here is a list of our ongoing projects.


MagicScroll is a quick minimalist chatroom/text-conferencing system for mathematicians (or anyone in a maths-intensive profession) designed to resolve the existing inconvenience in temporary, private and professional communications online. It provides a simple and distraction-free interface with full LaTeX and Markdown support in messaging, as well as a dedicated shared whiteboard for each room on the server, which can be privately set up by the user.

  • Status: beta version, preview stage
  • Developer: Y. Peng


TypstTeX is a new TeX distribution based on LaTeX that implements the main grammar and features of Typst: this allows the user to benefit from the great convenience of Typst without losing access to the familiar and powerful TeX packages, toolchains and community resources, achieving ideal balance to empower paper-writing, quicker and more convenient than ever.

  • Status: under development


TeXLens is a free and open-source multi-platform toolchain to quickly extract mathematical expressions and texts from images and output them in LaTeX format, as an alternative to Mathpix. The project includes a main desktop client for processing and a handy mobile client for capturing images and transmitting to the desktop client under local network. The software employs machine learning technology to effectively recognise formulae from screenshots/photos and convert them into TeX that can be readily integrated into a working document, making it much easier and faster to work with long and complicated formulae in research.

  • Status: under development

There are also a few projects under planning stage, and we are working to finalise the details of their implementation, after which more information will be made available on this page.